We, at the Garriott Road Church of Christ, are very interested in helping those who are less fortunate than we are. When Jesus said, “By this shall all men know you are my disciples, if you love one another,” (John 13:34-35) we take him seriously. There are many people who have been fed, clothed, visited and kept warm because God saw fit to put us where we are.
We also have an emergency food pantry to assist those who are in need, as well as collecting food for Westview Boys’ Home and Hope Harbor.
Our Enid Church has reached out not only to our community, but across the country and world to aid in the growth of the work of our Lord.
In January 2008, we supported Body and Soul Ministries in Sudan, Africa. A donation was given to treat 3000 patients in medical, dental, and eye clinics.
We are involved in World Bible School. We feel this is an excellent outreach tool. Through our involvement, we have seen many souls come to the Lord. The ministry has been updated with computers to create a time efficient means of grading lessons and writing letters to students.
As an effort to foster fellowship in our Enid congregation, we have divided ourselves into two Care Groups. These groups help us keep up with special needs within the congregation. The “Care Groups” are an effective ministry, which include the entire congregation, offering fellowship and lending a hand to our brothers and sisters when the need arises.
“Care & Share” is a vital ministry designed specifically to aid members of our congregation who fall on hard times. “Care & Share” is a fund, provided by members of the local Enid congregation, on a voluntary basis, separate from the weekly contribution and planned budget.
Thanks To All Who Support Our Missions!