The Garriott Road Church of Christ has been blessed with Godly men who serve as our shepherds, or elders. These men have met the qualifications set forth by the Holy Spirit in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Our elders are committed to reaching the city of Enid with the good news of Jesus Christ. They are excited about the future of the Garriott Road congregation. These men love the Lord, each other and the church of which God has given them the oversight. These elders are always ready to listen to the needs and requests of the congregation. They have regular meetings to discuss and pray over the affairs of the church, but they will talk to you anytime you have a need.

The elders are assisted by deacons. These are men who have also met the qualifications given in the Bible. They are responsible for different areas of work assigned to them by the elders.

Ray Rose

Pulpit Minister
E-mail Ray Rose

Our pulpit minister is Ray Rose. Ray began preaching in 1986. In 1989, he was offered a full scholarship to the Harding University School of Biblical Studies. He completed that course of study, graduating in 1991. Before moving to Enid, he preached for congregations in Ohio, Kentucky, Arkansas and Iowa. Ray has worked in prison ministry off and on for over 30 years. He has held Bible studies at the Lebanon Correctional Institute in Lebanon, OH, as well as several county jails. He currently teaches a twice a month Bible study at the James Crabtree Correctional Institution. He also serves on the Christian Emphasis Committee of the local YMCA.

Ray has counseled individuals in drug and alcohol abuse for the last 30 years. He has also worked with troubled teens. While preaching in Iowa, Ray served as a volunteer Chaplain for Hospice of Central Iowa. After moving to Enid, he volunteered for Hospice Circle of Love for 1 ½ years.

Ray and his wife Teresa have three grown children: Joshua and wife Jackie and their children, Lincoln, Harrison, and Reagan; David and wife Heather and their children, Jude and Lucy; and Rachel and husband Cody Wieden and their children, Rylee, Jace, and Hank.

Tim Ford

Deacon of Audio-Visual/Technology

Roger Gaddie

Deacon of Building & Communion Services

Tim Rehmel

Deacon of Education